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Motion Canvas v3.14.0

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New features ๐ŸŽ‰โ€‹

  • aarthificial's avatarShaders let you create custom visual effects using WebGL.#929#920
    Press play to preview the animation
    import ...

    // Original shader created by ufffd
    const Shader = `\
    #version 300 es
    precision highp float;

    in vec2 screenUV;
    out vec4 outColor;

    uniform float time;
    uniform vec2 resolution;

    #define g(p) dot(sin(p),cos(p.zxy)) //

    float m(vec3 p){
    return (1.0 + 0.2 * sin(p.y * 6e2))
    * g(0.8 * g(8.0 * p) + 10.0 * p)
    * (1.0 + sin(time + length(p.xy) / 0.1))
    + 0.3 * sin(time * 0.15 + p.z * 5.0 + p.y)
    * (2.0 + g((sin(time * 0.2 + p.z * 3.0) * 350.0 + 250.0) * p));

    void main() {
    vec3 r = normalize(vec3((screenUV - 0.5) * resolution, resolution.y));
    vec3 p;
    vec3 f;
    float e = 50.0;
    float d;
    float i;

    for (p.z = time / 4.0; i++ < 90.0 && e > 0.05; e = m(p += r * d)) {
    d += 0.02 * e;

    f.x = 0.06 + 0.06 * sin(p.z);
    outColor = vec4(2.0 * m(p) - m(p - f) - m(p - f.yxy))
    * smoothstep(0.75, 1.05, 1.0 / d);

    export default makeScene2D(function* (view) {
    view.add(<Rect shaders={Shader} size={view.size} />);

    yield* waitFor(10);

  • aarthificial's avatarThe node inspector can be toggled on and off.#921
  • jmaen's avatarNumber inputs can be edited by dragging left and right.#917
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