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Editor plugins are an extension of runtime plugins that include additional hooks for extending the editor interface itself.

This is an experimental feature. The behavior and API may change drastically between minor releases.

Let's update our plugin's entry point to export an editor plugin. The main difference is that we're now using the makeEditorPlugin function imported from @motion-canvas/ui to define it:

import {makeEditorPlugin} from '@motion-canvas/ui';
import {CustomTabConfig} from './CustomTabConfig';

export default makeEditorPlugin({
name: 'editor-test',
tabs: [CustomTabConfig],

This gives us access to some additional hooks that we can use to extend the interface. In the example above, we use tabs to declare an array of custom tabs that will be added to the left sidebar.

The tab configuration is imported from a new file called CustomTabConfig.tsx that we have yet to create. Let's take a look at how it may look like:

/* @jsxImportSource preact */

import {
} from '@motion-canvas/ui';

function TabComponent({tab}: PluginTabProps) {
return (
<Tab title="My Tab" id="custom-tab" tab={tab}>
<PhotoCamera />

function PaneComponent() {
return (
<Pane title="My Pane" id="custom-pane">
<Separator size={1} />
Hello <strong>World</strong>!

export const CustomTabConfig: PluginTabConfig = {
name: 'inspector',
tabComponent: TabComponent,
paneComponent: PaneComponent,

First of all, the editor is built on top of Preact. Just like Motion Canvas, Preact uses JSX to define components. This means that in tsx files extending the editor, we need to let TypeScript know that it should import the jsx factory function from preact and not @motion-canvas/2d. This can be done in multiple different ways. In this simple example, we'll just use a comment at the top of the file:

/* @jsxImportSource preact */

Next, we define a component for the tab itself. This component will be rendered in the navigation bar on the left. We use the Tab component from @motion-canvas/ui to stay consistent with the rest of the editor. We also borrow the PhotoCamera icon and put it inside:

function TabComponent({tab}: PluginTabProps) {
return (
<Tab title="My Tab" id="custom-tab" tab={tab}>
<PhotoCamera />

Similarly, we define a component for the pane that will be rendered when the tab is selected:

function PaneComponent() {
return (
<Pane title="My Pane" id="custom-pane">
<Separator size={1} />
Hello <strong>World</strong>!

Lastly, we export the configuration object:

export const CustomTabConfig: PluginTabConfig = {
name: 'inspector',
tabComponent: TabComponent,
paneComponent: PaneComponent,

Editor plugins are still experimental and the API is not yet properly documented but if you want to play around with some other available hooks you can take a look at this editor plugin provided by the @motion-canvas/2d package. It's responsible for displaying the inspector tab and drawing an overlay on top of the preview when clicking on different nodes.