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interface Exporter 

The main interface for implementing custom exporters.



public configuration(): PromisevoidRendererSettings

Prepare the rendering configuration.

Called at the beginning of the rendering process, before anything else has been set up. The returned value can be used to override the rendering settings provided by the user.


public handleFramecanvas: HTMLCanvasElementframe: numbersceneFrame: numbersceneName: stringsignal: AbortSignal: Promisevoid

Export a frame.

Called each time after a frame is rendered.


  • canvas: HTMLCanvasElement

    A canvas containing the rendered frame.

  • frame: number

    The frame number.

  • sceneFrame: number

    The frame number within the scene.

  • sceneName: string

    The name of the scene with which the frame is associated.

  • signal: AbortSignal

    An abort signal triggered if the user aborts the rendering.


public start(): Promisevoid

Begin the rendering process.

Called after the rendering has been set up, right before the first frame is rendered. Once start() is called, it is guaranteed that the stop() method will be called as well. Can be used to initialize any resources that require a clean-up.


public stopresult: RendererResult: Promisevoid

Finish the rendering process.

Guaranteed to be called after the rendering has finished - no matter the result. Can be used to finalize the exporting and perform any necessary clean-up.
